domingo, 8 de setembro de 2013

AdBuddiz lib for Basic4Android

Back with another article. This time is a lib for Basic4Android to allow you to show adds from AdBuddiz, another android monetization network. According to their FAQS, their payout is pretty interesting.
What is the payout for an installation ?
It varies on the campaign and usually the country of the user.
Most of the time, it's between $0.60 and $1.50.

It's usage is pretty simple :


1) Sign up with AdBuddiz (if not already signed up)
2) Download their SDK and register a new app.
3) Note the assigned Publisher Key for the app.
4) Copy AdBuddizSDK_1.4.1.jar to your Extra Libraries folder.
5) Download the attached wrapper.
6) Copy BAadbuddiz.xml and BAadbuddiz.jar to your Extra Libraries folder.
7) Check BAadbuddiz in your libraries tab.
8) Add the following to your app:

Sub Process_GlobalsEnd Sub
Sub Globals
    Dim ad As BAadbuddiz
    Dim Button1 As Button
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    Activity.LoadLayout("1")End Sub
Sub adbuddiz_failToLoadAd(ErrorCode As String)
    Log("adBuddiz Error :" & ErrorCode)
    Msgbox("AdBuddiz Error " & ErrorCode,"AdBuddiz" )End Sub
Sub Activity_Resume
End Sub
Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
End Sub
Sub Button1_Click
End Sub
Fire the manifest editor and add:

AddApplicationText( <activity android:name="com.purplebrain.adbuddiz.sdk.AdBuddizActivity"
      android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent" />
      <meta-data android:name="ADBUDDIZ_PUBLISHER_KEY" android:value="YOUR_AD_KEY_CODE" />    )

Don't forget to replace YOUR_AD_KEY_CODE with the key that you get from
or with TEST_PUBLISHER_KEY, to get test ads.

A compiled sample of the lib usage is available here : BAadBuddizLib demo

This lib is donation ware

If you are interested, send me a mail to inforpires@gmail or write in the comments.


1 comentário:

  1. I'm interested! Sorry for my bad english. It's supported B4A 3.0 and future release?
