quinta-feira, 29 de agosto de 2013

Android bar code scanner for PC

Android bar code scanner for PC

Bored with the usual type of programming done during the day job, decided to turn my attention to something new. So, in that small amount of time between getting the kids in bed and getting myself in bed, started looking at android. It's a really cool new world. Some things are easy, some are harder, but the experience is great. 

This is my second full app : it read's bar codes with the phone camera, and, via wifi, sends them to a small program running in the pc, that stuffs them in the keyboard buffer. So it works like a real barcode scanner, with the benefits that, it doesn't need to be physically connected to the computer.

Usage :

For the first time, install the bar code software in your windows pc. To do that, start this app and go to Options and push the Pc setup button. Follow the instructions given. Save BarcodeServer.exe to a convenient place. Consider adding it to the startup items, if you plan on using it often in that computer.
After the pc setup is done, choose the options that most feat your needs : end char terminator ( CR or TAB ), pc beep after scan and single shot or continuous scan mode.

Bar code scanning :

Ensure that the correct destination pc address is selected as the host pc. If not in the list, add it, pushing the plus button.Press the start button to start scanning, and align the bar code with the central window. After successful scanning, the code will be transmitted to your computer. This app works the same way as a true bar code scanner, so please ensure that the focused window on the pc allows keyboard input. (ex. notepad)

Notes : the barcode scanning engine included is the one provided by the core functionality of zxing.org. Many thanks for providing such a great facility.

You can get this free app from google play :


In case of problems or doubts, leave a comment and i will do my best to help You

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